About the Dallas Figure Skating Club
The Dallas Figure Skating Club is an organization dedicated to providing figure skater information and skating enjoyment, while at the same time helping skaters meet their individual goals.
Since 1941, the DFSC has encouraged the development of competitive figure skating, and has fostered amateur figure skating through its members. The Club also provides instructional programs for skaters of all ages, abilities, and interests.
There are different types of membership available to meet individual needs, from the beginning recreational skater to the advanced competitor, and from the individual skater to those interested in adult dance or precision skating. Skaters also enjoy many other benefits, such as receiving the USFSA Skating magazine and the DFSC Newsletter.
We offer our members holiday skating parties and exhibitions for competitors participating in Skate Dallas, Southwesterns, and Midwesterns, Junior Nationals, and Nationals for those who qualify. The DFSC also offers Excellence in Skating seminars and strives to provide programs to help develop our skaters into champions. We offer various categories of membership to meet all needs.
DFSC also strives to bring the best coaches to the area, and provides coaches with several means to assist their students, including free participation in Excellence in Skating seminars.